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Barbara Rubin & the EPA

From: agasaya@webtv.net (Barbara Rubin)
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:40:37 -0400 (EDT)
To: fitz-simons.terence@epa.gov, mintz.david@epa.gov, cox.bill@epa.gov, baldridge.ellen@epa.gov, papp.michael@epa.gov
Subject: PM2.5 General Information

Dear EPA Staff,

I have been unable to reach the Region 2 office for information about the air quality of my home city, New York and hoped I might ask these questions of you. As a severe asthmatic, learning about the links between pulmonary function and particulate matter, I am understandably seeking more technical information than that being disseminated to the general public by the NYC DOH etc. If any of you have access to this information or have the time to direct me to an accessible source, your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

1. What are the parameters of the hot zone and the warm zone geographically?

2. What are the current particulate matter concentrations being found right now in Manhattan versus outlying areas. How does it compare with previous counts?

3. Does the sampling separately analyze primary versus secondary particulate concentrations of PM in the air? What results have been found?

4. Is anything known about what chemicals are bound to the soot and dust from such sources as the burning jet fuel, smoldering furnishings, plastics, electrical wire, fiberglass etc.?

5. With regard to health issues, does the EPA have any guidelines about recommending such protections as particulate masks when PM is in excess of certain levels? As you know, the use of bronchodilators to relieve asthmatic symptoms just leaves lung tissue open for deeper invasions by more allergens and foreign bodies (PM). The resulting inflammation requires steroids and the cycle just repeats itself.

Any information you can provide is greatly appreciated!


Barbara Rubin

From: agasaya@webtv.net (Barbara Rubin)
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 17:36:41 -0400 (EDT)
To: immune@immuneweb.org, MCS-CI-exile@egroups.com
Subject: [IMMUNE] Response to Air Quality Questions asked of the EPA (re: WTC)

Hello to the Lists,

I sent a roster of EPA employees questions about air quality. Here is the only response I have received to date along with my reply:


Dear Barbara Rubin,

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has set up this website to deal with questions and concerns on the WTC tragedy here at: http://www.hhs.gov/hottopics/healing/facts.html

Thank you for your inquiry to the TSCA Assistance Information Service. Enclosed are the materials you requested. If you have any further questions or requests for documents pertaining to the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). Please feel free to contact us at 202- 554- 1404 between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time). Roan TSCA Assistance Information Service US EPA 74080 401 M Street SW Washington DC 20460 202-554- 0515 202-554-5603 fax


Dear Roan,

Thank you for the HHS articles cited but I had already read them prior to making my request for information to your agency. Those articles do not answer ANY of the questions I posed to you. Unless I hear otherwise, I must assume that the EPA lacks this essential infromation, in which case the publicized conclusions abut air quality safey must be erroneous.

I look forward to accessing more meaningful data if it ever becomes available. This data is essential to decisions I must make for my health as I have severe asthma secondary to pesticide poisoning last year. The EPA did not assist me at that time either.

Yours truly,
Barbara Rubin

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