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Chickpeas vs. Edamame

This is the URL everyone should have bookmarked: http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/cgi-bin/nut_search.pl

One cup garbanzo beans (chickpeas)

45 grams of carbs minus 12.5 grams of fiber = 32.5 grams usable carbs

One cup Hummus, home prepared (whatever that means)

49.5 minus 10 = 39.5 grams usable carbs

One cup Hummus, commercial (whatever that means)

36 minus 15 = 21 grams usable carbs

One cup Soybeans, green

20 minus 7.5 = 12.5 grams usable carbs

HUGE difference between garbanzo beans and edamame (green) soybeans. There's also a big difference between different hummus recipes. But the only one that counts is the one you're eating. Regular hummus is too carby for a lowcarber, though it makes acceptable food for a moderate carber or someone allowing themselves a mild cheat.

Not only is the edamame version far less carby, but it has enough protein for a meal. Chickpea hummus has little protein (some, but not enough for a meal).

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Cyndi Norwitz / webmaster@immuneweb.org / Last Modified: 1/14/06